Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lesson Learned: Organized Emergencies

I had a very interesting morning today.  My 8 month old son was running an extremely high fever, so I decided to take him to the emergency room.  Perhaps an overreaction, but he's my first so I'm still learning.  My instinct said to go.  I ran out the door with half of my diaper bag packed.  I threw in an empty bottle, the whole container of formula and a bottle of spring water.  Everything is fine with the babe (he has Coxsackie) but it really got me thinking about my lack of emergency preparedness, not only in this situation but in others as well.  We were there for about 3 hours while his fever came down.  What if he had no food?  Or diapers?  And there were a few times I wish he had a toy to keep him occupied.

I decided that I am going to keep an emergency go-to bag in place from now on.  Some might think this is extreme, but I was so frazzled this morning and I never want to be in that situation again.  Here are the contents of my kit:

Baby Hospital Bag (For Emergencies)

I will keep this go-to bag in the babies room for use during emergency situations

Bag Contents:

Diapers: I grabbed a handful, maybe 10.
Wipes:  enough to change diapers and some extra for other messes
Changing pad:  I have a disposable pad (called a "chuck").  You can buy them in medical stores.
A&D ointment:  Fevers sometimes bring on rashes
Tissues: Little noses
Boogie wipes: I had a sample so I threw it in
Hand Sanitizer: In case it is not available
Extra thermometer: This is more for my own peace of mind.
Change of clothes
Toys: I choose toys that are easy to clean and disinfect
A bottle and bottled water: For feedings
Formula: I packed enough for 3 bottles
Cereal and Jarred Food: I also packed a bowl and spoon just in case
Burp cloth
Emergency Information folder, a pad and a pen

I had a extra cheap-o diaper bag that I picked up at Wal-Mart before the baby was born.  I don't mind keeping it filled and in his closet.  If you don't have one, an old tote bag will be fine.

I feel so much better knowing that I am ready to go if I need to again.  No thought involved.  Make sure you throw in your wallet and personal items before you go.  Also, I plan to print out this list and keep a copy in the bag.  The contents will need to be checked and updated.  For example, eventually my son will outgrow this size diaper and I will need to replace them.

If you have any more ideas, comment below and I will add them to the list!

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