I decided that I am going to keep an emergency go-to bag in place from now on. Some might think this is extreme, but I was so frazzled this morning and I never want to be in that situation again. Here are the contents of my kit:
Baby Hospital Bag (For Emergencies)
I will keep this go-to bag in the babies room for use during emergency situations |
Bag Contents:
Diapers: I grabbed a handful, maybe 10.
Wipes: enough to change diapers and some extra for other messes
Changing pad: I have a disposable pad (called a "chuck"). You can buy them in medical stores.
A&D ointment: Fevers sometimes bring on rashes
Tissues: Little noses
Boogie wipes: I had a sample so I threw it in
Hand Sanitizer: In case it is not available
Extra thermometer: This is more for my own peace of mind.
Change of clothes
Toys: I choose toys that are easy to clean and disinfect
A bottle and bottled water: For feedings
Formula: I packed enough for 3 bottles
Cereal and Jarred Food: I also packed a bowl and spoon just in case
Burp cloth
Emergency Information folder, a pad and a pen
I had a extra cheap-o diaper bag that I picked up at Wal-Mart before the baby was born. I don't mind keeping it filled and in his closet. If you don't have one, an old tote bag will be fine.
I feel so much better knowing that I am ready to go if I need to again. No thought involved. Make sure you throw in your wallet and personal items before you go. Also, I plan to print out this list and keep a copy in the bag. The contents will need to be checked and updated. For example, eventually my son will outgrow this size diaper and I will need to replace them.
If you have any more ideas, comment below and I will add them to the list!
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