Sunday, July 29, 2012

Traveling with Baby: Road Trip

We are getting ready to take our first family vacation together! It's a road trip, about 5 hours from home.  I want to make sure we don't forget anything so we can just enjoy our family time together.  Here is a list I put together of things I need to pack for our family road trip!

Traveling with Baby: Road Trip


Portable crib: The hotel may have cribs, but we are bring our portable crib just in case.
Bedding:  Sheets for the crib and blankets.  Don't forget that favorite comfort blanket!
Noise Machine:  If you don't want to pack one download a white noise app to your phone or tablet.
Pacifiers: If your child is so inclined.
Monitor:  For peace of mind if you are on the deck or in another room.
Night Light:  So you can see during late night feedings or diaper changing.
Car Seat Pillow: Car comfort is key!


Formula:  I am going away for 4 nights so I am bringing a whole container.  It's just easier that way.
Meals:  Bring some easy packaged baby food.
Snacks: I'm bringing Puffs, Cheese, Grapes, Bananas...
Mesh Feeder:  We like to put frozen fruit in this.  It's a teething lifesaver.
Bibs:  I am bringing disposable bibs for convenience.  I found them in the dollar store.
Water Bottle:  I found a kids water bottle at Target.  We are going to be outside a lot so this is a must.
Table Covers:  Covers the table so you can put finger foods in front of them and it's sanitary. 
Bottles, bowls, spoons...


Toys:  No bored moments!
Outside Blanket:  We plan on being outside a lot so we have a picnic blanket.


Bathing suit:  I'm packing two just in case.
Swim Diapers:  Most pools expect parents to be responsible about pool "incidents"
Beach Towel:  Many hotels furnish these, however I like to bring my own just in case. 
Pool toys:  playtime!
Pool float:  I have this. I love it.
Sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses...


Diapers and wipes: No explanation needed!  Bring plenty so you don't have to buy any while away.
Medicines:  I'm bringing gas drops, baby tylenol and baby ibuprofen.  You never know.
First Aid Kit:  Band-aids and such.
Hand sanitizer:  I believe things get exponentially grosser the further from home you get.
Bath wash, lotion, powder...


Clothes:  2 sets of clothes for each day away.  Plus 2 extra.
Pajamas:  Comfy for sleep
Sweatshirt:  Although it's currently summer, I'm bringing one just in case it's cooler at night or inside.


Plastic bags:  For dirty clothes.
Dish soap, sponge, bottle brush:  To clean bottles and bowls.
Baby sling/carrier
Recent photo of baby
Insurance and emergency information

Comment below if you think of anything else I need!

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